What are Ions?

Ions are electrically charged particles made up of an atom or molecule that is not electrically neutral.

Ions are produced by adding or removing an electron from air particles. The molecules acquire the charge of the same sign as that present in the emitters and are therefore rejected, creating a weak air current around the purifier.

How does air ionization work?

Air is the fundamental good for the survival of the human species and breathing quality air is essential. The average concentration of negative ions in our homes is 100 negative ions / cm3 and in offices 50 ions / cm3 when the optimal air quality within a building should have a concentration of 2000/4000 negative ions / cm3 and below 1000 affects concentration and performance.

This allows them to gain enough mass to be filtered or fall to the ground, leaving the air cleaner of harmful elements that can be inhaled, so it is recommended for people with allergies.

Ionization is also very useful in closed spaces with a large amount of accumulated static electricity, eliminating problems generated by this type of accumulated electricity, such as headaches, small discharges, hair frizz, irritability and nervousness, or lack of concentration. The benefits of using air ionization in reducing anxiety, depression and insomnia problems are also being studied.

Photocatalytic oxidation PCO HEPA filters Activated carbon filters Ionization Active oxygen Ozone O³

* Our products are not medical devices and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.